How to choose a Good Domain Name


The domains are registered regularly at a record level, new domain expansion and innovative thinking still offer thousands of brilliant choices. However, while looking for the desired name it is important to consider the purpose of a domain name first and it should be shorter and memorable that enable your visitors to reach your website easily.

Consider the following points before registering a domain name:

1. Short & Memorable

People don’t remember longer domain name easily, the shorter your domain, name, it would be easy to remember and also it minimizes the chances of typographical mistakes while your users typing it to reach your website. Also, consider a domain name that has marketability so that you can brand them easily.

2. Momentous

A short domain is not worth without connotation like if you go for it would be not easy to type or remember. Select a domain that narrates and reflects your website in their domain name so that people can understand and remember them easily such as, in this case.

3. Apparent & Concise

Clear & precision are vital factors when choosing a domain name, it should sound well and should be effectively communicated over the phone.

4. Exposure

In order to take full advantage of your site’s exposure, consider including matching keywords in your domain unless you’re going to consider a very short, clear and meaningful domain name. Even two words that can best describe your website are good to go with, however, avoid using dashes, underscores and numbers into them. It would be best if you perceive both the human and search engine while deciding a domain name to buy.

5. Best Domain Extension

Select the best domain extension like .com is still the best choice and similarly .net could be the best second desired choice although you may also consider country-specific TLD like .ng/,, .us/, eu/.asia in case if you have planned to target a country or region like for example if you’re developing a site to target UK country-specific you should go for or or .ng/, for Nigeria market.

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